Ok! I am late in announcing on my blog that I have a puppy!!! 3 or 4 weeks late!!
Abt my new pup.....He is:
a) Extremely cheeky
b) Bites my stuff when I am not looking at him
c) Sleeps with his head on his bed and ass on the floor
d) Never I mean NEVER pees or poops outside
e) Only does part (d) in my toilet and not anywhere else
f) Never barks
g) screams only when you pull his beard (when he is naughty ofc)
h) He sleeps more than me - almost like 16 to 17 hours a day!
i) Eats all the time
j) Loves having paper as his dessert
k) Wants you to wipe his ass after he poops (if not, he does it on my bathroom mat =.=)
l) He is afraid of big dogs
m) He wonders why other dogs bark at him
That is abt all I could think about at the moment!! and nope not bringing him to Malaysia when I am home this summer .... He will stay with a dog sitter for the few weeks I am home!!!
P/s: He is sleeping again at the moment I am typing my post! =D